Climate Action Planning

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Climate Action Planning (CAP) provides a science-based strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address ways the climate is changing. The City will develop two sets of plans: one specific to municipal government operations and another that addresses city-wide emissions. The City will need to establish continued, periodic measurement and reporting to assess emission reduction progress.


The City continues to work a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The draft plan was presented to the new Sustainability and Climate Justice Committee. There were some concerns over the plan’s scope. A rewrite is in the works and should take approximately six months.

Green House Inventories and Mitigation Strategies


A greenhouse gas inventory includes a list of emission sources and the amount of associated emissions. The amounts are quantified using standardized methods. A mitigation strategy lays out a plan to reduce emissions.

What criteria are we using to measure progress?
  • By October 2022: The City will conduct initial baseline greenhouse gas inventories, greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and climate action plans for municipal government operations and city-wide emissions.