Climate Action Planning

Photo by Fauxels on Pexels

Climate Action Planning (CAP) provides a science-based strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address ways the climate is changing. The City will develop two sets of plans: one specific to municipal government operations and another that addresses city-wide emissions. The City will need to establish continued, periodic measurement and reporting to assess emission reduction progress.


The City has drafted a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The draft plan was presented to the new Sustainability and Climate Justice Committee. There were some concerns over the plan’s scope. There is currently no published timeline for when the plan will go to Common Council. There is also no department-level plan to achieve the Climate Action Plan goals. We hope these concerns can be resolved quickly and that we will be able to change this assessment to In Progress in the next assessment cycle. (This goal has been adjusted to reflect one plan to cover both purposes vs. two separate plans.)

Green House Inventories and Mitigation Strategies


A greenhouse gas inventory includes a list of emission sources and the amount of associated emissions. The amounts are quantified using standardized methods. A mitigation strategy lays out a plan to reduce emissions.

What criteria are we using to measure progress?
  • By October 2022: The City will conduct initial baseline greenhouse gas inventories, greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and climate action plans for municipal government operations and city-wide emissions.